RSO Liability Insurance & Coverage

University General Liability Insurance

The University’s general liability insurance covers claims of bodily injury and property damage due to negligence but does not cover RSO events or individual members. However, RSO Advisors are insured under this policy for their service to RSOs.

On-Campus Coverage

While RSOs are not covered by the University’s general liability insurance, they are generally not required to purchase additional insurance for most on-campus activities, except those listed below.

Activities That DO NOT Require Additional Insurance:

  • Group meetings
  • RSO-sponsored concerts for University students (performers must have liability coverage)
  • Events within Nebraska Union facilities and adjacent outdoor spaces
  • Campus space reservations
  • On-campus events intended for the University community

Activities That DO Require Additional Insurance:

  • Athletic events (e.g., 5Ks, fun runs)
  • Events where the general public is the primary audience
  • Activities involving amusement devices (rides, inflatables, dunk tanks, etc.)
  • Events with animals
  • Any activity deemed a risk by SLICE or UNL Risk Management
  • Sports Clubs and similar organizations must secure their own general liability coverage

Where insurance is required, RSOs must provide a Certificate of Insurance (COI) to use University facilities. This must include:

  • Coverage of at least $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage
  • The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska named as an additional insured

RSOs can purchase coverage through the University’s Tenant User Liability Program. For details, contact UNL Risk Management at 402-472-3101.

Off-Campus Coverage

RSOs and their members are not covered by the University’s liability insurance for off-campus activities. The University recommends that RSOs purchase their own liability insurance for these events through external providers.