RSO Communication & Absences

RSO Newsletters

  • Advisor Newsletter: Sent monthly during the academic year to all RSO Advisors. Includes event updates, SLICE Office news, and advising resources.
  • RSO Newsletter: Sent on the 1st and 15th of each month to Presidents, Treasurers, and Primary Programmers. Other RSO members may opt-in here.
    • Includes event updates, SLICE announcements, and opportunities for RSOs to advertise events or share relevant information.
    • RSOs can submit event ads through the submission form, which may also be featured in the Next@Nebraska newsletter sent to all UNL students.

RSO Email Accounts

  • RSOs in compliance may apply for a University email account, subject to UNL policies.
  • Accounts are for organization use only (no personal use). Advisors are responsible for managing the account.
  • More details on setting up an RSO email or listserv email Mike Jackson with request.

Student Absences for RSO Activities

  • If RSO activities conflict with academic requirements, students should notify faculty as early as possible.
  • Faculty may or may not grant excused absences at their discretion.
  • The Student Absence Policy Form, accompanied by an RSO Advisor’s letter, will assist in record-keeping for agreements between students and faculty.