Officer Transition & the Advisor’s Role
A key responsibility for an RSO Advisor is ensuring a smooth officer transition to maintain continuity. Advisors provide stability, understand past challenges, and help set clear expectations, reducing the need for ongoing guidance throughout the year. Successful transitions ensure new officers understand their roles before taking office. Two common methods for transition include:
The Team Effort
Involves outgoing and incoming executive boards, plus the RSO Advisor. This method includes:
- Reviewing and updating past records/notebooks.
- Discussing completed and pending projects, challenges, and essential knowledge.
- Hosting a retreat or transition meetings.
Updating Officers on NvolveU:
- Log into NvolveU and select your RSO logo.
- Click "Roster" under Organization Tools to update officers (except President, Treasurer, and Primary Programmer).
- SLICE updates the following roles after they complete required training.
- Presidents & Primary Programmers complete Annual Orientation
- Treasurers complete SOFS Treasurer Training
Advisor’s Role:
- Facilitate discussions and provide structure for transition meetings.
- Offer guidance without dictating decisions.
- Fill in gaps if outgoing officers lack necessary records.
- Ensure goals are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).
One-on-One Advisor Training
If outgoing officers are unavailable, the RSO Advisor may lead training. This includes:
- Holding a joint meeting for new officers.
- Conducting individual meetings to review past records or create new ones.
- Providing essential documents (forms, past agendas, RSO constitution/bylaws).
- Discussing officer responsibilities, expectations, and goals.
Adapted from the ACPA Advisor Manual (6.2009), with contributions from Jim Mohr, Eastern Washington University.