Each Recognized Student Organization (RSO) establishes its own constitution and bylaws, which define officer roles. Members assign specific responsibilities, allowing officers to tailor their roles based on interests and skills while ensuring core duties are met.
Recognized Student Organization Advisor Manual
- Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement Overview
- Types of Organizations
- Where to Begin as an RSO Advisor
- Advisor Expectations
- Advisor Responsibilities
- Keeping Your RSO in Compliance
- RSO Communication & Absences
- Common Roles of an Advisor
- Advice From Other RSO Advisors
- Events & Your RSO
- The Advisor’s Approval
- Food & Your RSO
- Alcohol at the Event
- Contracts
- Movie Screenings/Showings
- Planning Retreats
- Finances & Your RSO
- RSO Liability Insurance & Coverage
- RSO Travel Insurance & Resources
- Raffle Guidelines
- Risk Management
- Officer Transitions & Motivation
- Common Student Officer Positions
- Role of the President
- Role of the Treasurer
- Role of the Primary Programmer
- Role of the Vice President
- Role of the Secretary
- Motivating and Supporting Others: Building a Strong, Engaged Organization
- 50 Ways to Informally Give Recognition
- RSO Recognition