The Event Planning & Registration (EPR) must be completed for ALL RSO events at which alcohol is present. An Application for a UNL Alcohol Services Permit will also be required, and University Police must also approve all events with alcohol. For more information and full University policy regarding alcohol, please visit:
Recognized Student Organization Advisor Manual
- Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement Overview
- Types of Organizations
- Where to Begin as an RSO Advisor
- Advisor Expectations
- Advisor Responsibilities
- Keeping Your RSO in Compliance
- RSO Communication & Absences
- Common Roles of an Advisor
- Advice From Other RSO Advisors
- Events & Your RSO
- The Advisor’s Approval
- Food & Your RSO
- Alcohol at the Event
- Contracts
- Movie Screenings/Showings
- Planning Retreats
- Finances & Your RSO
- RSO Liability Insurance & Coverage
- RSO Travel Insurance & Resources
- Raffle Guidelines
- Risk Management
- Officer Transitions & Motivation
- Common Student Officer Positions
- Role of the President
- Role of the Treasurer
- Role of the Primary Programmer
- Role of the Vice President
- Role of the Secretary
- Motivating and Supporting Others: Building a Strong, Engaged Organization
- 50 Ways to Informally Give Recognition
- RSO Recognition