- Smile
- Put up a volunteer suggestion box
- Treat with a beverage
- Ask for a report
- Send a birthday card
- Arrange for discounts
- Give service stripes
- Treat to ice cream
- Plan annual ceremony occasions
- Recognize personal needs and problems
- Be pleasant
- Post honor roll in reception area
- Respect their wishes
- Give informal socials
- Keep challenging them
- Send a Thanksgiving card to the person’s family
- Say “Good Morning”
- Greet by name
- Provide a pre-service training
- Help develop self confidence
- Award plaques to sponsoring group
- Take time to explain fully
- Be verbal
- Give additional responsibility
- Afford participation in team planning
- Respect sensitivities
- Enable to grow on the job
- Send newsworthy information to the media
- Say “Good Afternoon”
- Honor their preferences
- Create pleasant surroundings
- Welcome them to staff meals
- Have a public reception
- Take time to talk
- Defend against hostile or negative staff
- Make good plans
- Throw a pizza party
- Plan a theater party
- Recommend to prospective employer
- Utilize as consultants
- Praise them to their friends
- Say “Thank you”
- Say “Good Night”
- Be a real person
- Plan occasional extravaganzas
- Send impromptu fun cards
- Attend a sports event
- Have a picnic
- LIKE posts in group chats
- Provide snacks at a meeting