Resources and Tools

Recognized Student Organizations Resources and Tools 

RSO Newsletter RSO Advisor Resources NvolveU   

Maxwell Arboretum at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Annual Orientation & Compliance

Staying in Compliance 

To be in total compliance all Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) must do the following:

  1. Complete the Re-Registration Process on NvolveU.
  2. President and Primary Programmer must attend an Annual Orientation session.
  3. Treasurer must attend SOFS Treasuer Training.
  4. Complete a Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN). RSOs with annual receipts over $5,000 must obtain a FTIN.

For more information on staying in compliance, view this resource. [.pdf]

Attend Annual Orientation 

RSOs are required to attend an Annual Orientation session. RSOs will participate in 1-of-2 registration periods:

  • FALL RSOs |  mid-August to December 31
  • SPRING RSOs |  mid-January to May 31

During a registration period, each newly elected President and Primary Programmer will attend an Annual Orientation session and the Treasurer will attend SOFS Treasurer Training.

All three members must attend one of the sessions for your RSO to maintain total compliance status.

Event Planning

Event Planning & Registration (EPR) Form 

RSOs must submit an Event Planning & Registration form (EPR) on NvolveU to host an event. Some important things to keep in mind:

  • EPRs should be submitted as soon as you know the foundational details of your event. The earlier the better.
  • All indoor events will require all approvals to be granted at least three (3) business days before your event starts.
  • Outdoor events will require all approvals to be granted at least ten (10) business days before your event starts.
  • The submitter is responsible to answer reviewer questions and keep up with reviewer requests. If questions or requests are not answered, the Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement team reserves the right to deny your EPR.
Event Planning Resources 
Common Event Policies for RSOs 


When a Contract is Necessary 

An RSO needs a contract in any of the following circumstances. RSO members, officers and advisors are not permitted to sign any contracts or agreements for an RSO.

  • Utilizing artists, guest speakers, or performers (paid or unpaid)
  • Facility rental (certain on campus and all off campus facilities)
  • Exchange of money for a service – photographer, DJ, equipment rental, event judges, etc.
Requesting a Contract 

Contract requests must be submitted at least four (4) weeks in advance.

To request a contract for your RSO, complete the following steps.

  1. Submit your EPR on NvolveU as soon as you know the foundational details.
  2. Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement will provide a deadline for contract requests. Adhering to this deadline will ensure your event continues in the approval process.
  3. Complete the Contract Request Worksheet at least four (4) weeks in advance of your event.
  4. Respond to any questions from SLICE on your EPR.
  5. You will receive a copy via DocuSign once all parties have signed.
  6. Once all parties have signed, submit a Payment Request using the SOFS Payment Request System. Your RSO is responsible for submitting this request.

Chapters affiliated with Fraternity & Sorority Life - which do not utilize SOFS services - should consult their Corporation Boards regarding contracts and authorization to sign on behalf their Chapters. Chapters that do utilize SOFS will be required to work with SLICE for contracting needs.

Student Organization Financial Services (SOFS)

Marketing & Communications

Services from Student Life Marketing & Communication 

Student Life Marketing and Communications can help your RSO develop marketing materials. Whether you’re promoting your next event or building awareness to grow membership in your organization, the experienced design and marketing staff can help. Design set-up fee is $20.00 plus tax (this includes ANY services as long as it is the same design). SLMC is not responsible for printing the project, your RSO can use any printing services they choose. Some options are linked below.

Newsletters & Social Media 
Poster Routes & Digital Signage 
  • Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement will distribute your RSO informational and RSO event posters in the Nebraska Union and Nebraska East Union. To have posters distributed, bring 3 posters for City Campus, 1 for East Campus, or a total of 4 posters for both campuses to the Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement office in the Nebraska Union, Room 200 by 5 p.m. the Tuesday the week before you would like the posters to be hung up.

    RSOs are welcome to hang up posters on their own to various posting boards on campus. View locations of posting areas.

    The poster route through SLICE will ONLY be distributing posters for active RSOs; frozen RSOs will not be able to utilize the poster route.

  • Residence Life will accept posters and flyers advertising a specific program, service, or event open to all students. As an UNL affiliate, your RSO may provide flyers to be distributed to the residence hall communities. RSOs can also request their messages be shared on the Housing digital signs. Submissions requests for housing digital signage can be made here, at least seven (7) business days before the start date.
  • The Nebraska Unions have digital signs for RSOs to display recruitment notices, announcements of new clubs, and campus-wide events. Digital signage requests should be made at least two (2) weeks before you would like it to appear.

RSOs may schedule chalking through an Event Planning Registration (EPR) to reserve space. View chalking policy.

RHA Movie Channel 

Advertise your RSO or RSO events on the RHA Movie Channel by submitting a 60-second or less commercial.

Complete the following steps to have your RSO commercial ready to show:

  1. Complete the video.
  2. Upload the video to YouTube.
  3. Email Abby Groth the following information:
    • Name of organization and reason for advertisement (i.e. Event Name or Recruitment)
    • URL link to commercial on YouTube
    • Time period you want the commercial to run. Commercials may only run for 1 week.
University Event Calendar 

Maximize your reach with the UNL Events Calendar. After your EPR is approved, create a new event and make it public. Now your event can be seen by anyone and other University calendars to share your events on their calendar.

Additional resources 


Free Pepsi for Student Organizations 

Pepsi donates a limited amount of free Pepsi products to the University for distribution by Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement. Each year, a certain amount is allocated for use by Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs). RSOs may apply for free Pepsi products for an event they are sponsoring by filling out an application form. When Pepsi products are available, this form will be listed on NvolveU Forms. RSOs must also have an EPR for the event. The EPR and application are due at least ten (10) business days prior to your event. Late requests cannot be fulfilled.


Your RSO must meet the following criteria to receive Pepsi products at the event:

  • Event must be held on campus.
  • Event must be campus-wide and open to all students. No general meetings will be eligible for free Pepsi products.
  • Event must be free for University of Nebraska-Lincoln students only. Faculty and staff events are not eligible to receive Pepsi products.
  • Allocated beverages may NOT be sold or used to generate profit in any way, except Philanthropies (*see below).
  • Your RSO must have started an Event Planning & Registration (EPR) form in NvolveU for your event.

* Philanthropies:SLICE has allotted $500 of free Pepsi products for philanthropies sponsored by RSOs to raise money for nonprofit organizations. At philanthropic events, Pepsi products cannot be sold separately but can be given as part of a meal that is being sold or given as part of the admission fee to the event.

All applications are subject to review by the Pepsi Coordinator for Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement. Only completed applications submitted by the appropriate deadline will be considered. Submitting a request does not guarantee that the RSO will receive free Pepsi products. To be eligible for free Pepsi products, the RSO must be in total compliance with ASUN bylaws and Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement guidelines. If you are not sure if your RSO is in total compliance, reach out to Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement at

Risk & Insurance

Travel & Transportation