Our team serves as an access point for students and student organizations interested in engaging with the local community. Our team provides advising and project consultation, facilitates networking and travel experiences, and makes connections with campus and community partners.
Get Involved. Volunteer at a Nonprofit.
Nonprofit in Residence
Daily during the 2nd Week of each month
Network with local nonprofits from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Nebraska Union.
Learn More
Engage Lincoln
Last week of each month
Join with fellow Huskers to volunteer at nonprofits that are addressing community needs.
Learn More![University of Nebraska–Lincoln students place oranges into bags during SLICE’s Engage Lincoln volunteer project at the Food Bank of Lincoln on Jan. 30. [Jordan Opp | University Communication and Marketing]](/sites/unl.edu.student-involvement/files/styles/4_3_720x540/public/media/image/250130_Food_Bank_002%20%281%29.jpeg?itok=AZaOboCb)
Community Builders
Last Wednesday on each month
Attend community builder workshops to learn essential skills such as fundraising, grant writing, volunteer management and what nonprofits are doing to help our community.
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Volunteer Ambassador
The program is a place-based initiative that matches individual students to volunteer at a nonprofit during the academic year.
Sign Up
Get Connected. Volunteer Databases.
Discover volunteer and internship opportunities at nonprofits in Nebraska with Handshake. When in the platform select Jobs and then use the filter button to select Volunteer.
Learn MoreVolunteerLNK
Discover individual and group volunteer opportunities at nonprofits in Lincoln Nebraska. When you create a profile just add a note that you are affiliated with UNL.
Learn MoreNvolve U
Discover RSO Service Based organizations and use the platform to locate Engage Lincoln Projects. Huskers can also use this platform to track volunteer hours by going to their icon and selecting the "service hours" button.
Learn MoreReview volunteer rates and plans
Carnegie Foundation Elective Classification
The Carnegie Foundation has recognized the University of Nebraska–Lincoln for excellence in community engagement, citing its wide-ranging outreach efforts across the state. The Carnegie organization designates universities for such achievement only after they provide an extensive review and documentation of their civic engagement activities.
Engagement Map
Welcome to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Community Engagement and Outreach map. The map is an interactive system designed to illustrate the powerful stories of UNL’s current and on-going projects and activities centered around outreach, service, and engagement efforts.
Nonprofit Impact Stories
For nonprofits. Discover the ways that UNL students are collaborating with nonprofits across Nebraska.