FAC Funding Applications for Fall 2024 are now open: Click here, sign into NvolveU, then scroll down to Forms to complete the RSO Funding Application (Fall 2024 to Spring 2025)
The University Program Council (UPC Nebraska) is a student organization that provides diverse, educational, and entertaining programs to enhance the UNL community. Within UPC Nebraska is the Fund Allocation Committee (FAC), made up of members of the UPC Nebraska Executive Board, who review funding applications and make a recommendation to the Director of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Community Engagement on whether to grant/deny requests. For groups that receive funding, UPC Nebraska will serve as an anonymous funding source and should not be recognized publicly as a sponsor. FAC applications are open to Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) who are in compliance with the Student Leadership, Involvement, and Community Engagement office. RSOs are eligible for up to $1,500 from FAC.
Other eligibility criteria are:
- Events must be open to ALL UNL students
- Application must be submitted before the event date.
- RSOs must submit an EPR in NvolveU for the event.
- It is highly encouraged to submit at least 30 days prior to the event date.
- RSOs are only eligible for funding once in a two-year period.
FAC cannot allocate funds to:
- Conferences: registration, travel, or lodging
- Events only open to members of specific groups
- Direct donations to non‐profits or community organizations
- Political campaigns
- Office supplies
Next Steps
Following your FAC-approved RSO event: Click here, sign into NvolveU, then scroll down to Forms to complete the RSO Funding Post Event Survey (Fall 2024 to Spring 2025)
Funding Process
Once your application is received, the Fund Allocation Committee will meet to discuss your application and vote on whether to fund your application. FAC’s decision is then forwarded to the Director of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Community Engagement, who will accept or deny FAC’s suggested allocation. Your RSO will be notified of the status of your application shortly after the application has been reviewed.
Following final approvals, your RSO must submit the RSO Funding Post Event Survey in NvolveU within 30 days following your event. Within this Post Event Survey, you will be required to submit copies of all bills, invoices, contracts, receipts pertaining to the allocation, a photo from the event, and a promotional event flyer. A transfer of funds will be made to your RSO SOFS Account only after you have submitted the Post Event Survey with all required documentation. If not completed within this time frame, the allocated funds will be forfeited and made available to other RSOs, and your RSO will no longer be eligible for future FAC funding.
Appeal Process
An RSO that is denied funding based on timeliness of application, lack of funding availability, or who requested monies for which FAC funding is not allowed may not appeal FAC’s decision. If an RSO believes a funding decision does not comport with applicable law or UNL policy, the RSO or a representative may file an appeal. The complainant has five (5) business days after receipt of the written post‐meeting decision to file an appeal. Such appeal must be in writing and state the reason believed the funding was wrongfully denied or reduced. The appeal shall be limited to the question of whether the application was properly denied pursuant to the applicable law or University policy and only to those issues raised in the written appeal. Written appeals should be emailed to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Life and Leadership. An appeal is deemed ‘filed’ on the date it is sent via e‐mail. The FAC shall abide by the decision of the appeal officer.
If you have questions about eligibility, processes, or form completion, contact UPC Nebraska External Vice President upcexternalVP@unl.edu.